Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This is day 5 and I'm so aware of how much God loves me and I now believe he wants me to succeed in knowing Him more because I haven't been experiencing the shaking and fatigue.  The hunger pangs are minimal which is just so unusual for me.  I'm the kind of person who always thinks about food, I think about what I'm eating, what I'd rather be eating and what my next meal is going to be.  All I'm focusing on now is listening, I want to hear Him, I spend my days at work listening to worship music "How He Loves Us" by Kim Walker has been one my very favorites lately and several others but that one especially.  I felt like I needed something to keep me focused on His love so while I was out this week I found this spinner ring that says "He loves me".  I love this ring, it's a small thing but really has been so helpful.  It's a constant reminder for me and just magnifies the love.

I don't want to fool myself because I know it could change and I could really start struggling and I want to be prepared when that happens.  I feel like all of this is happening in phases for me and this phase I'm enjoying but the next probably won't be as fun.  I'm sure that is when the layers will begin to unfold.  The emotions I've been experiencing have been joy and awe which brings me to tears but happy tears.

God's love is so amazing and I can't help but think how long I've gone without really knowing it, I won't dwell on that only on the fact that I'm learning what it is to accept it now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Cristol~ I love how you decribe how you are "falling in love" with the Lord. It must be such a sweet, sweet exprience. I wonder how many don't learn to truly accept it-what a shame that is. This is an incredible gift that you are being given, and you are choosing to take possesion of it. Beautiful!


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