Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Not a pruning

A new beginning...
As I prepare myself for this season of fasting & praying, I am anticipating much but also hesitant about not knowing what to expect. That's ok. It seems that much needs to change in my life, much work needs to take place.I know this is a good process and I trust it because I am continually putting it back in the Lord's hands.
One thing that I sense, and it seems to be pretty certain, is that this will not be a season of pruning. I've loved that analogy of being pruned by the Lord. The idea being that He removes things from our lives (or asks us to remove things) that need to not be there and this benefits our effectiveness in His kingdom, among other things. Often it is painful and some adjustments need to be made, but this is not a season of pruning for me. I have a picture of a mature tree in my mind. The next "slide" is a tree stump-a cutting away of much! I have a sense that this is what I'm entering into. That seems painful, difficult. But I'm sure, necessary. I'm ready, I'm saying 'yes' to Him.
Eventually new shoots will take off from this stump-I'm pretty excited about that part. We will see...learning to trust Him in every season.

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