Monday, March 9, 2009

Unwanted Visitors

How can I thank you enough, my friends & prayer warriors. Last week's breakdown was one of the worst yet, but I did not feel alone. I knew that your prayers went before me (us). What a priceless treasure that is-one I wouldn't trade for anything that this world has to offer. It is these friendships that makes me wealthy. I'm praying we are close to breakthrough with this.

From a different perspective...Sunday morning as I began praying for Bri, the Lord prompted me to pick up my Power of a Praying Parent book by Stormy Omartian. I usually pick it up a few times throughout a year and pray through it. As I began to use the prayer for the day I began to get some incredible discernement about the things that were surrounding our daughter and influencing her. The prayer for that morning included things that I had been praying for her already before I picked it up but my eyes were opened up as I continued to pray. I started to see the unwanted visitors that had a hold of her-they were unwanted, but she had invited them into her life by various means. I'm speaking of the "visitors" that Ephesians 6 speaks of: 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Thier names were deciet, manipulation, lying, selfishness, jealousy, etc. This is where the shift happened for me. Because God chose to give her to us for a time to raise, He also gave us authority over her. Also, Jesus gave me/us authority "over all the power of the enemy..." (Luke 10:19) These visitors certainly are of the enemy. I chose to access the authority given to me by Jesus. As I did this, in my mind's eye, I saw a picture of the soldiers from the enemy's camp begining to fall asleep. So I began to pray that way-that they would stand down, that they would fall asleep and become completely unaware of any of the work from the Lord making it's way to Brianna. So that, when Brianna was in and/or exposed to the Lord's word and those words were entering into her thoughts they would be able to make it through to her heart without these visitors raising up defenses through Brianna's offenses towards it and other things that will truly benefit her.

I call them "visitors" because they will not be allowed to stay. They will be replaced with truth, righteousness, humility, gratitude, joy, peace, a teachable spirit, etc.

I just needed to remember my station (and need to continue to remember)

1 comment:

  1. Very good. So true. Right there with you. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with my kid's life and choices that I forget who I am and the authority He has given me. It's nice to remember again and use the weapons He has given us. We stand with you in that.


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