Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Back to Basics

Ok, so what is the last thing you absolutely know you heard from God? The last few days I have been dragging my feet and couldn't get motivated to do the next step in this journey. I realized it was partly out of fear and partly because I had lost the vision that God had given me. I absolutely know that God said "Go". He doesn't always give us all the details, because if He did, we'd shrink back or stand in unbelief because it is so much more than we, in our humble human minds, could ever imagine would be possible. So, I have pulled my feet out of the muck and mire, the quicksand of my doubts and fears, and I am looking toward the vision God has shown me and I am running with abandon toward HIM! Keeping my eyes focused on Him as my prize and my joy, I press on to know Him!


  1. WOOHOOO!!!! Awesome Tori! Like I said-IMPRESSIVE!!
    Love ya!

  2. This was just what I needed this morning!! I think I had allowed all my fears and worries scream at me until I didn't remember what God had spoken in the begining. Thank you Tori!!! I am so glad to be in this with you.

  3. this is REALLY good. and i don't think it's coincidental that you and i both have "back to basics" coming up for us right now!


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