Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Random Thoughts

I had a great time the other night too!! I'm so very grateful for each one of you-you are incredible women. I cannot say enough how I love you and appreciate these freindships!
Tori & Cristol-hope you & your families have a wonderful time this week. You are especially in my prayers.

We met with Kirk's family Sunday. It didn't go anything at all like I had hoped and I couldn't help but question God; "What the heck was the purpose of THAT?!" Our goal was to state to the other parents what our stance was on this whole thing. We did accomplish that - barely... We were asked to have this meeting in order that Kirk could apologize and make ammends-he did neither. He did tell us that he hoped the outcome of the meeting would result in us allowing him to have a relationship with Bri. (No dice) That, I half expected but was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until I heard him out. What kicked us in the gut after that was the barage of advice that his parents had for us-give her back her phone, give her back her privileges on the computer, loosen the restrictions and....allow her to be "freinds" with Kirk. UGH-it was very clear that we do not live by the same value system-not even close. Even worse, I felt like we had been beaten down yet again.

I'm holding on to this Psalm: "I have heard the Lord say, 'I have given you the victory!'" NOW-I want to see it!

After that, we talked with Bri about it all. Several hours later, after she had had a chance to process some of it, she opened up & shared some deep things with me-good movement.

Today, we went to our first counseling session and it was really good. Bri was so receptive (thank you for the prayers!!!!!!!!!) She was honest & forthright. Of course it hurt to hear some of it, but it was so good to hear more of her heart. The best outcome of tonight's session was that she began to clearly see some of the different ways that this young man had manipulated her, us and his parents. I'm so grateful for the clarity God gave-such a good start.

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